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Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOS/PCOD)

Writer's picture: Krishna JadejaKrishna Jadeja

PCOD is an abbreviation of Polycystic Ovarian Disease. It occurs when a woman’s ovary generates eggs that are only partially mature during their reproductive age. These eggs form cysts into the ovaries of women. Gradually, these cysts cause extreme pain and blockage within the ovaries. They also make the ovaries larger which is abnormal while simultaneously secreting male hormones like androgen which escalates the issue of infertility, irregular menstruation,weight gain and ultimately, the ovaries are not capable of giving eggs for fertilisation purposes.

A number of factors cause PCOD that can be broadly categorised into environmental, genetic and lifestyle. For example hormonal imbalance which can be due to stress, injury to an endocrine gland or an improper diet. It could also take place if the female is exposed to extensively polluted environments or if they are taking excessive medication or other drugs over the counter.

This disorder can lead to changes in the sleeping pattern and depression. The female also grows a surplus of body hair and has an irregular period cycle wherein they may go through heavy bleeding, intense acne and of course, difficulties getting pregnant.

PCOD affects 4%–20% of women of reproductive age worldwide. From the limited data, PCOS existence in India ranges from 3.7% to 22.5% which is a large range. Presently, 10% of the women globally are suffering from this issue.

Although researchers have not found a permanent cure for the issue, there are ways through which one can improve and keep the condition in check. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is integral and one can do so by minimising the sugars and fatty foods ingested. It helps lower the risk of developing diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity and fitness also goes a long way in controlling the situation. The woman can also seek help of medical treatment by taking progestin to help correct amenorrhea, birth control pills containing oestrogen or go for a laparoscopic drilling which is a minimally invasive surgery that helps lower testosterone levels produced by the ovaries.

PCOS/PCOD is an incredibly common condition that affects so many women worldwide. It is important to raise awareness about these issues in order to educate people and make them more conscious about the way in which they react to it and we here at EmpowHer aim to do just that!

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